One Month to Debut

One Month to Debut

Today it is 30 days left until my debut as an author. My book, Flykten, is available for pre-order on several book sites and has appeared on Boktugg’s website.

I have to be honest – I feel a mixture of fear and delight right now. What if the book gets a bad review? What if no one wants to read it? What if it is read by a lot of people? What if no one shows up at my release party? What if I’ve written a great book?

There are a lot of things to do before the debut. I need to submit author information to Boktugg, develop a marketing plan, invite people to the debut party and plan my marketing. I would like to produce some press material too, but I have to take it one day at a time. I have to remind myself to enjoy this time because it only comes once in a lifetime. The debut. The release of my first book.

A few months ago, I was a guest blogger at Sabine Mickaelson’s website. I wrote about what it felt like to wait for my debut. Go and read that post if you missed it.

“The Escape” is a gripping story of two boys’ struggle to get a safe life. The story is based on a true story. It’s a story about friendship, perseverance and courage.”

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