Category Archives: Writing

If there is one question that a lot of writers who want to be able to cut back on their day job and maybe someday live off their writing ask themselves, it is what the secret behind a bestselling book is.

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Today it is 30 days left until my debut as an author. My book, Flykten, is available for pre-order on several book sites and has appeared on Boktugg’s website.

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Writers can sometimes be seen through a glamorous lens. People think that we are mysterious, enigmatic, inspired and sometimes a bit melancholic.

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Once your first draft is written and has rested for a few weeks, it’s time to edit. It is time to activate your inner editor. 

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Everyone who writes has heard the expression “write what you know” – but is it any good advice? During a panel at the Stockholm Writers Festival 2022, various writers discussed the pros and cons of this advice, and these are my takeaways from the panel. 

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An open letter to my loved ones – right now I am down the writing rabbit hole. This means that I spend much of my time writing or thinking about my writing projects.

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Four weeks of vacation. For the first time in years, I have not planned any trips or things to do. Instead, I decided to have a summer of writing.

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If you want to write books, you can’t wait for inspiration. To get anywhere, you have to sit down and write, even on days when it feels like your writing sucks. I recommend creating habits that boost creativity.

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