My Writing Year 2022

My Writing Year 2022

2022 has been a year of writing, although it has had its ups and downs. In this post I will tell you a little bit more about how it went. 

At the beginning of the year, I did not write much. I had a lot to do at work and the stress took its toll. To find some balance in everyday life, in life, I started meditating. I started by meditating for a little while in the mornings before getting out of bed using the Headspace app. The difference in my mood was really striking after a few weeks, so I started getting up and meditating on the couch instead, at least 15 minutes a day. 

Almost every Wednesday, I participated in Skrivcafe’s various online events, both writing evenings and writers’ workshops. I highly recommend these to get some writing time in the middle of the week.

My partner didn’t know how much summer vacation he would get so we never booked anything or made any plans for the summer. Since I was going to spend my vacation in Stockholm, I decided to have a writing summer. It was fantastic to just immerse myself in the wonderful world of writing for four weeks. I edited the first script of the Northern Lights trilogy. I also started a for my writing.

In October I visited The Swedish Book Fair for the first time. I was there as a representative from Skrivcafé (I started helping them run their writers’ workshops). It was such an amazing feeling beeing around a lot of other writers and book lovers. 

In November, I attended Nanowrimo and wrote the rough draft of part two of the Northern Lights trilogy. Now that the rough draft is complete, I need to go back and edit some things in the first book before I can pitch the series to publishers. 

I started a new job at end of November, so December has largely been spent learning new things and getting into the new job. I also have a release date for my debut novel, and have booked a venue for a release party.

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